Arthritis-Friendly Hobbies
An arthritis diagnosis tends to bring a list of limitations along with it, and that can mean some disappointing changes to your daily routine.
For one, many people find they can no longer enjoy their favorite activities without significant pain, and in turn, their personal identity begins to suffer. But there’s no reason to let your arthritis rule your free time! Consider these activities that not only respect your limits, but may even help improve your joint function and reduce your arthritis symptoms. The best hobbies for you will combine fun, distraction, and physical therapy in a customizable package.
1. Photography
Build your eye for composition and your talent for capturing the moment with some casual photography. All you need is a camera – it doesn’t need to be anything fancy – and a bit of curiosity and patience. Go for walks at different times of the day to catch your surroundings in different light while you exercise your joints, and use your photography as an excuse to visit new places. If you’re not up for a long, leisurely walk, you can always drive (or have someone drive you) to a few different spots where you can snap some interesting photos.
Early onset arthritis is arthritis that occurs in young people. There are certain risk factors to avoid. Here's how to prevent early onset arthritis.