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10. Pain Pump
In severe cases of arthritis where pain is constant, a slightly more invasive procedure may be the better option. A pain pump is programmed to deliver pain medication directly to the painful area, with the help of a catheter inserted close to the spinal cord. It works well for low back pain caused by various types of arthritis, and like steroid injections, the pump reduces the risk of side effects by targeting the specific site of pain rather than circulating medication throughout the whole body.
However, the procedure is not risk-free: there is the possibility of infection that comes with any surgery, the catheter could become blocked, and the battery will need to be replaced every five to seven years – which will require another operation.
Fortunately, there are plenty of arthritis therapies out there, but it can take time to find the ones that work well for you. If you suspect view private instagram 2017 arthritis, don’t assume it’s osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, or any other form without taking the appropriate tests; different types of arthritis will respond to different types of treatment, so the first step is an accurate diagnosis.
Once your doctor is certain how your joints are behaving, they will be able to create a suitable action plan to diminish the pain and prevent more damage to your joints.
Read more about treatments for osteoarthritis and treatments for rheumatoid arthritis over at NewLifeOutlook.
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